Contamination and Cleanup Continues

How can we keep long-term environmental consequences within our view and concern? How might we perceive layered invisibility? This week I’ve walked along the Thea Foss Waterway multiple times. I’ve been thinking about the water and land that form Commencement Bay. Tacoma’s Ruston Way is only one segment of a much larger waterfront and waterway.…

Land Rights and Landmarks

How do we decide whose land a place is? How much, if any, connection to indigenous peoples is evident to, or experienced by, people as they explore the Ruston Way waterfront (Tacoma, WA)? This week I’ve been thinking about historical and present struggles over land ownership and use, and how marks of those struggles are…

Triple Bottom Line

In an effort to begin to hear a range of perspectives about Ruston Way, this week I solicited feedback from colleagues and students. The range of responses (a few shared below) reflects awareness of a “triple bottom line.” Valuing 1) ecosystem productivity, 2) economic productivity, and 3) social justice is highlighted in studies of urban…