Pathway Kula Botanic Garden, Maui HI

Navigating Nature, Culture and Education in Contemporary Botanic Gardens

If you are interested in environmental education or informal learning environments, such as botanic gardens, I invite you to read the essay Navigating Nature, Culture and Education in Contemporary Botanic Gardens in Environmental Education Research by Dawn L. Sanders, Amy E. Ryken and Katherine Stewart. Increasingly, humans are an urban species prone to ‘plant blindness.’…

Dilemmas of Observing and Naming Nature

  The Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (DuPont, WA) is a provocative contrast to the Ruston Way waterfront (Tacoma, WA). Both are a part of the Puget Sound marine/estuary habitat and both have been sites of development and ecological restoration. The Refuge, established to protect the Nisqually delta and wildlife, features gravel walking trails and raised…